Ten years ago I passed the CCIE RS lab exam , now renamed CCIE Enterprise Infrastructure .
This year again I had the privilege and pleasure to attend one of the best events for networkers: Cisco Live Europe 2023 in Amsterdam.
It has been more than 20 years since my last Microsoft certification exam. Windows NT4 was very common, Windows 2000 was cutting edge, and my first job was to migrate some SMEs in my region from the former to the latter.
My goal at the time was to get the famous MCSE , but I never had the chance to finish the certificaton track, stopping after a couple of exams.
Then I fell in love with networking.
We don’t install all our servers in the same DC. But what about clouds? Would you trust one Cloud Server Provider for all your applications?
This is the premise of Multicloud.
For $reasons it happened a few times that I needed to renumber a VLAN in a campus or DC network.
This post is about the lack of best practices, workarounds, L2 extensions, tunnels and loops.
Fasten your seatbelt and prepare for a ride down the rabbit hole.
Networking and Kubernetes, first steps in the cloud-native world.
I’ve renewed my CCIE for 3 more years, and learned something along the way.
Great news! My blog has been selected as a finalist of the 2021 IT Blog Awards , hosted by Cisco ✌
In this post I describe how I’ve reinvented the wheel backup Grafana dashboards with API and Git.
If you can read this post, my GitLab CI/CD setup worked!