If you can read this post, my GitLab CI/CD setup worked!


I’ve been reading about this CI/CD thing for a while, but it looked too specific for real programmers for my level of knowledge. Until I had a real excuse problem that can be solved with CI/CD: build my website with Hugo and deploy it with LFTP to my hosting provider.

Enter CI/CD!

For dummies

Quite often it is hard for me to grasp a concept than is far from my area of expertise. I usually need someone to explain the basics with very simple words, with some examples of what problem it tries to solve, and then it clicks 💡 and I can start the learning process.

In this post I describe how I setup CI/CD for my specific use case.

The pieces:

  • self-hosted GitLab instance: the repository of my code
  • GitLab runner : a container that registers itself to the GitLab instance and is associtated to the repository
  • .gitlab-ci.yml file in the repository: instructions for the runner about the container and scripts to execute
  • pushover to receive a notification when the deploy is completed

This is what my .gitlab-ci.yml looks like:

  - build
  - deploy
  stage: build
  image: jojomi/hugo
  - hugo version
  - git submodule update --init --recursive
  - hugo -d public_html --gc --minify
    - public_html
  - master
  stage: deploy
  image: alpine:latest
  - private
    - apk update
    - apk add lftp
    - lftp -e "set ssl:verify-certificate false; open $FTP_HOST; user $FTP_USER $FTP_PASSW; mirror -R -P 5 -p -n --delete ./public_html /www.ifconfig.it/hugo; bye"
    - curl -d user=$PUSHUSER -d token=$PUSHTOKEN -d device=p20lite -d title="IFCONFIG" -d message="upload completed" https://api.pushover.net/1/messages.json
  - master

The process:

  • I create new posts on a dev branch, one branch for each new post
  • when the post is ready for publication, it is merged to the master branch
  • when the master branch receives a commit, the GitLab runner creates the container and executes the scripts
  • the html files are published with the changes within minutes from the commit
  • a notification is sent to my phone to confirm the process was executed

Wrap up

This simple CI/CD pipeline made my workflow much easier. Now I can focus more on writing posts and less on the overhead build/deploy tasks. I plan to add in future some tests before the publication.


I’m always looking to improve and would love your feedback. If you spot any errors, have suggestions, or just want to share your thoughts, reach out to me directly on X.

Your input helps me make this blog better for everyone!

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