IT Blog Awards 2020 finalist
This blog has been selected as a finalist in the Most Educational category of the 2020 IT Blog Awards, hosted by Cisco.
Being part of a community is not a zero-sum game, we're all winners when knowledge spreads, high-quality content is created and new relationships are built among a group of motivated and talented people.
It is a challenge, a winner must be selected, vote your favorite HERE
Update on Linkedin and Twitter
Congratulations to the 2020 #ITBlogAwards Most Educational Finalists: @JeromeTissieres, @gp_ifconfig, @mvankleij_nl, @giuksbr, @networksbaselin, @TheRoutingTable@ttl255 and @hari5611.
— Cisco Insider Champion (@CiscoChampion) December 29, 2020
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