INE CCIE R&S bootcamp – 2nd week
After the first week of the INE bootcamp I spent the weekend relaxing a bit and reviewing the topics on the doc-cd.
The second week confirmed the high level of this training, long hours and Brian Dennis showing us a lot of scenarios and how to spot a problem before it happens instead of just troubleshooting it later.
My favorite days were MPLS and Multicast, followed by redistribution and OeR but I must say that I found in every single day something new.
Most questions about CCIE lab study method are focused on self/study versus bootcamp. My personal opinion is that a bootcamp doesn't give you all the answers but can teach you the right approach for the lab questions and scenarios. I changed the way I organize my studies after the bootcamp and how I do verification right after applying every single command to reduce the time spent in troubleshooting my own configs.
After all the technical aspects, it was great to meet people like Brian, Daniel, David, Jose, Susana and the other guys. CCIE is a big effort and sometimes the lack of motivation can be a problem bigger than any hard blueprint topic.To see 24 people in a class focused on the same target confirmed to me that the lab is hard but it worth the time and being part of the elite is a result that will be remembered for the life.
Now back to study.
Read also Daniel's review.